
Lawyers continue to observe 1hr boycott of courts.

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Staff Reporter
LAHORE: Lawyers of the Lahore High Court Friday continued their token boycott of courts and hunger strike for the restoration of chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and others deposed judges. The lawyers observed the token boycott of courts of the PCO judges for an hour from 10:00am to 11:00am as part of their ongoing movement for the restoration of judiciary. They wore black armbands and boycotted court proceedings.It is pertinent to mention here that the Pakistan Bar Council has allowed the lawyers to boycott courts for an hour daily and every Thursday in protest against the November 2 steps of President Musharraf and for the restoration of deposed judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts who refused to take oath under the PCO.Lawyers including Aitzaz Ahsan visited the hunger camp of the Save Judiciary Camp and expressed solidarity with the members holding the camp since the last 90 days. Chairman Save Judiciary Committee Ch Abdur Rasheed Qureshi, Secretary General Mian Jamil Akhtar, Muhammad Ilyas Klasan, Hafiz Abdur Rehman Insari, Hafiz Abdur Rehman Ansari and Rana Zia Ur Rehman, M Saeed Ansari, Raja Zulqarnain Irfan Hinjrah, Rana Abad, Azmat Ali Chohan, Imran Akram, Imtiaz Ali Qureshi, Babar Ali Malik, and Shahbaz Qureshi joined the hunger strike camp. The participants demanded restoration of the deposed judges of the superior judiciary. They held portraits of Aitzaz Ahsan and Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Ch Abdur Rasheed Qureshi blasted the government for sacking 60 judges and demanded reinstatement of the November 2, 2007 judiciary. He condemned the issuance of the eviction notice to Chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and other judges of the superior courts. The SJC demanded release of Aitzaz Ahsan, Dr Abdul Qadir, Ali Ahmed Kurd, Munir A Malik, Justice (r) Tariq Mehmood, and chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary and other judges. The Chairman and Secretary General of the Save Judiciary Committee vowed to continue their struggle for the restoration of the judiciary, Constitution and rule of law.
link: http://thepost.com.pk/CityNews.aspx?dtlid=146143&catid=3

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