
Wajih warns against delaying judges’ reinstatement.

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Terms delay a conspiracy Says an executive order can restore judges
Staff Reporter

LAHORE: Justice (r) Wajihuddin Ahmed has said that the winners of recent political parties recent polls, should not adopt lengthy procedure for restoration of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary and other deposed judges.

“It is conspiracy to prolong the issue and amounts to wasting it in long and futile debates in the parliament”, he said while addressing a general house meeting of the Lahore High Court Bar at the Karachi Shuhada Hall of the Lahore high Court on Thursday.

He advised PPP, PML-N and ANP listen to the demands of the nation and restore the deposed judges as soon as possible in respect of the mandate given to them in the recent elections. He said days of President Musharraf are numbered and the nation does not see him in the office of President any more and he should quit and relief the nation of the burden of his illegal rule.

He said the two-third majority in the Parliament and the repealing of all constitutional steps taken by President Musharraf is not needed for the restoration of deposed judges because just an executive order is sufficient for their reinstatement.

“Those who claim that two-third majority is required for the restorations of the deposed judges are not sincere in reinstating Nov2 judiciary and they want to create prolong the issue”.

Justice (r) Wajihuddin Ahmed said it was a trick of government that it had sent the salaries of deposed judges by calculating up to the date and year of their retirement and if the judges withdrew the money they will be considered to be retired. He said lawyers rendered great sacrifices for independence of judiciary and rule of law in the country and they got success on July 20 when chief justice was restored. After that forces of dictatorship manipulated things and imposed emergency and through provisional constitutional order and threw out the entire judiciary for saving illegal rule of President Musharaf.

A resolution was passed in the Lahore High Court in which lawyers declared that lawyers will take up the issue of illegal detention of Dr Abdul Qadir Khan and Justice (r) Wajihuddin Ahmed will visit the residence of Dr Qadir to express solidarity with him.

Specking on the occasion Lahore High Court President Anwar Kamal said that people gave mandate to political parties for the establishing rule of law and restoration of independence of judiciary in the country.
link: http://thepost.com.pk/ShortNews.aspx?shortid=5540&catid=3

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