
SC issues contempt of court notices to five bureaucrats.

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ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court issued on Monday contempt of court notices to five bureaucrats over reinstatement and promotion of NAB convicted official, while it also issued notice to acting NAB chairman and sought clearance from him regarding non-implementation of verdict on NRO today (Tuesday).
Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry said that we will implement the verdict on our own and we do not need to summon other institutions under article-190.
The court conducted hearing of corruption reference against ex-official of Federal Investigation Agency Riaz Ahmad Sheikh and issued contempt of court notices to Secretary Interior, Secretary Establishment, DG FIA, Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary interior over his reinstatement and promotion.
The court also issued contempt of court notices to Chairman NAB and acting chairman regarding implementation of court verdict on the National Reconciliation Ordinance.
The six-members bench headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry was hearing the case, which also ordered to confiscate the assets of Riaz A. Sheikh, his wife and his daughters, while the bench expressed angriness over appearing of Rashid Ahmad Rizvi on behalf of the accused and said that the lawyers should not support criminals.
The court ordered opening of all cases against Riaz A. Sheikh.
Justice Khalil-ur-Rehman said that parliament had also ignored the NRO, while Chief Justice said that parliamentarians have no other work but following behind judicial reforms, adding, propaganda is going on every TV channel against judicial reforms, which have cut jokes with courts.
Justice Ramday said that there has been discussion regarding changing judicial system and what was wrong in appointments made by Chief Justice.
CJ Iftikhar said that all even a king would have to go on October 5, 2007 position.
The court during hearing expressed its annoyance over the absence of NAB chairman and summoned him immediately and said that you are sitting in office and who will inform the court regarding implementation of NRO verdict.
After half an hour, acting chairman Irfan Nadeem appeared in court and told the bench that he did not know that he had to appear in the court, on which the court berated and said that NAB was sleeping because person involved in corruption has been neither reinstated but also promoted and instead court orders, NAB did not reopen cases against him.
The court observed that Riaz Ahmad has been involved in serious crimes.
Chief Justice Iftikhar said that the court had ordered NAB to reopen all cases to pre-5 October, 2007 position but of no avail and told him to go home if there is no work and not under pressure.
Justice Ramday said that the court had given four months time to the government to table NRO in the parliament but it fails to do so and after the court verdict over it, now hurdles are being erected in its implementation, which shows that the parliament has needed to change judicial system after the verdict and comments are being made on all TV channels.
He said that a man has become so much influential, which has reached the post of Director General of Federal Investigation Agency instead of being involved in corruption of million of rupees, adding, this is the situation of educated people and merit is being crushed on one side but corrupt people are promoted.
The Chief Justice asked from NAB chairman that you are doing job and also abusing the court and the court ordered NAB to confiscate the assets of Riaz Ahmad Sheikh again and also his wife and daughters.
Secretary Interior told the bench that when Riaz was reinstated then he was suspended.
Ramday said that do you know him but he refused, on which he (Ramday) expressed concerns and said that the whole Punjab knows him and it is surprising that you did not know him.
Chief Justice ordered NAB to reopen all cases against Riaz Ahmad and the court would review the action of NAB and do work in seconds that of hours.
The court summoned Secretary Establishment, Joint Secretary Establishment with record over giving promotion to Riaz Ahmad and adjourned the hearing for today (Tuesday) by issuing contempt of court notices to Chairman NAB Naveed Ahsan, acting chairman Irfan Nadeem, Secretary interior, joint secretary establishment and DG FIA.

link: http://www.onlinenews.com.pk/details.php?id=160690

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