
Revise policy on America: lawyers.

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LAHORE – Lawyers in the City have laid stress on the PPP government for promoting ties with China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey while redefining the national policy with regard to America.

On the hunger strike camp at the Lahore High Court Bar Association here Tuesday Member Pakistan Bar Council, Hafiz Abdul Rahman Ansari said, country was passing through a very critical phase of history which primarily was caused by the over-tilted policies of the Musharraf regime and the present government in favour of America. He said the time demanded of the rulers to show sagacity and political wisdom to know where our benefits lay as the long drawn friendship of Pakistan with America has not given any benefit. He said it was a pity that Pakistan extended every sort of cooperation and favour to the US in the war on terror but in return it received US drone attacks on its own people and America’s cultivation of strong friendship with the countries which were opposed to Pakistan and its existence. He said it was the high time that we revisit our foreign policy and neutralize our ties with America and cement the same with the time tested friends like China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey.

The city lawyers as other parts of the country, are continuing to hold token boycott of the courts, hunger-strike and the protest camp to mark their resentment against the November 3 PCO whereof Pervez Musharraf as Army Chief had sacked about 60 judges of the Superior Judiciary including Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

Member Punjab Bar Council, Atir Mahmood, expressing commitment with the lawyers movement for the restoration of November 2 judiciary, however blamed the PPP government for not honouring the promises. He said the country could not have come across the present serious situation, had the PPP leadership fulfilled the promise and restore the judiciary. Atir expressed serious concern at the continuous attacks by the Nato-drones in tribal areas and said Pakistan needs to come clear with its policy on war on terror. Atir said the need of the hour is the whole nation is united behind one purpose that is safety of Pakistan but for that purpose we needed a charismatic and upright leadership whom the people trust. He said hitherto the people have found nothing but problems galore which could not be sorted out unless the sate affairs are run according to the aspirations of the masses. He said the big issues facing the country would not have cropped up had the rulers started with the restoration of Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry

Khwaja Mahmood Ahmad advocate called for revisiting the Musharraf policy towards America side by side informing the masses of the agreement he had made with to give it concessions in the war on terror. He said Musharraf’s policies to blindly support America and promoting its agenda, had badly damaged the country and its vital interests. But, he regretted, despite the fact, Musharraf was out of the picture, his policies were continuing to operate causing more and more problems to the country and the people.

Former President LHCBA Ahmad Awais Pakistan must take stock of the fact that it has become a focal point of the design Jewish lobby in the world had made to render South Asia, particularly Pakistan, denuclearised. He said many forces, including CIA, FBI RAW and Mosad, appear involved in promoting this agenda and Pakistan must not mince word to tell the masses what was going on or attempt to keep them in the dark on this score. Awais said in the name of war of terror, the battle started in Afghanistan, is being pushed into Pakistan in the American interest.

The situation demanded of the government to act to unite the nation instead of disintegrating the national unity through serving the petty personal interests. It is the real test of the national political leadership, and the time was running fast to prove their worth, he added.

link: http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/Regional/Lahore/15-Oct-2008/Revise-policy-on-America-lawyers

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