
CJP: Iqbal, Quaid’s dreams be come true.

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SIALKOT: Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry demanded Sunday, the dreams saw by the prominent leaders of Muslims of Sub-Continent Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, be come true in terms of attaining independent judiciary and hegemony of law in the country.

Addressing to Sialkot Bar Association here he hoped every child of the nation would stand by lawyers’ movement to achieve Iqbal and Jinnah’s dream and added that exploitation of 1971 constitution caused Fall of Dhaka therefore no one would be allowed to distort the constitution of the state once again.

Deposed Chief Justice, Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry said the independent judiciary is demand of constitution of Pakistan, adding during the 60 years of creation of Pakistan, neither judiciary was freed nor dream of good governance was materialized.

Addressing the lawyers’ convention at Sialkot Bar in the tiny hours of Sunday morning, he said the day of November 9 has been set as it was the great day when greatest philosopher of Pakistan was born.

On the occasion, people chanted slogans demanding the government to revert the 3 November actions taken by the then government and termed those actions anti-democratic.

President Supreme Bar Association Ali Ahmed Kurd, Chaudhry Atizaz Ahmed, Munir A Malik and other lawyers accompanied Ifikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

Independent judiciary is vital for good governance in the country, deposed CJ added.

He said the role of judiciary has not been appreciable in connection with siding with the dictators in the country, adding whenever, any dictator broke the constitution, court came forward to give it legal cover.

“It is the rule of law and supremacy of constitution that put India on track of good governance which made the country make progress by leaps and bounds.”

The deposed CJP said the country is facing bad conditions, adding under these circumstances, the nation need independent judiciary and free courts.

The deposed justice said the nation was afflicted with at least four martial laws in its short history.

link: http://www.thenews.com.pk/updates.asp?id=59646

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