
We don’t trust Govt false promises anymore: Lawyers.

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RAWALPINDI: Vibrant leadership of Lawyers on Monday warned Government to take apt measures as nation has wasted one whole year by trusting their tall promises adding we still have fuel to press our legitimate demands.
These views were expressed by President of Supreme Court Bar Ali Ahmed Kurd, Former President Barrister Aitizaz Ahsan, High Court President Sardar Asmat Ullah Khan, District Bar President Tariq Masood while addressing National Convention regarding Black Day in District Bar.

The Chief Guest on the occasion was deposed CJP Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

Ali Ahmed Kurd was of the view that we don’t accept steps taken by the Dictator on November 3 after imposing Emergency Rule in the Country.

Musharraf clamped Emergency in the country by sacking 60 Judges and Banning Around 50 Private TV channels and FM radios, he held.

He said that all actions taken on November 3,2007 including sacking of Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Chaudhry and other judges were illegal and unconstitutional.

He demanded of the Government to take down to earth measures to revive the pre-November Judiciary.

Kurd stressed that Government must repeal Black Law.

We want Restoration of deposed CJP at once, he said.

We have started our Journey for the Supremacy of Constitution and Parliament as we don’t believe in Politics of Confrontation, he pointed.

We have fuel and power both but we don’t want to use it as country is passing through challenging circumstances, he maintained.

On the other hand, Former President SCBA Barrister Aitizaz Ahsan said that today is Black Day in the history of Pakistan as Musharraf imposed Emergency in country.

All Actions taken by the Dictator on November 3 were illegal whether against Judiciary or Media we condemn it urging Government should have restored the pre November 3 situation by now in the country, Barrister stressed.

Meanwhile President of High Court Sardar Asmat Ullah Khan said that after February 18 polls we thought real democracy has prevailed in the country but in vain.

He said that BB sacrificed her life for the country but the present Government is not following her foot steps and path.

We will not accept Minus one Formula as we want our CJP back, he held.

If Government does not restore CJP then they have to face dire consequences, he said.

Despite hurdles by the Government, SCBA elections were held in an amicable manner adding that we have taken our revenge after February 18 polls.

He further added that undoubtedly November 3 today is a black Day and we are marking the day as the first anniversary of Proclamation of Emergency by Military Ruler Pervez Musharraf on November 3, 2007.

Meanwhile lawyers boycotted courts through out the country including in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Chakwal, lower Dir and Takht Bhai .

Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHCBA) and District Bar Association observed full-day strike in Lahore following the decision of National Lawyers Coordination Council and no one appeared before courts. The protesting lawyers took out rallies and Pro-Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry slogans were chanted as lawyers vowed to struggle till the restoration of all deposed judges.

link: http://www.paktribune.com/news/index.shtml?207484

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